Printed Electronics

Utilizing printing technologies for electronic applications, facilitating scalable and cost-effective manufacturing processes. 

Printed electronics harnesses the power of printing technologies to revolutionize manufacturing processes. This technique offers a scalable and cost-effective alternative, paving the way for the mass production of electronic components. By utilizing printing methods, such as inkjet or screen printing, intricate electronic circuits and devices can be seamlessly integrated onto various substrates, ranging from flexible plastics to unconventional materials. This not only streamlines the manufacturing process but also opens up new possibilities for flexible and lightweight electronic devices. Printed electronics hold the promise of transforming the landscape of technology by making electronics more accessible, economical, and adaptable to diverse applications. At Omegalab, our research focuses on optimizing printing processes to develop low-cost and highly efficient solar cells. Our commitment extends to eco-friendly solvents, contributing to the next generation of green solar cells. Bridging the gap between research-scale device fabrication and consumer-ready manufacturing, we strive to produce fully-printed devices—ranging from solar cells to thermoelectric generators, capacitors, and various sensors. This endeavor opens avenues for applications in packaging, healthcare, construction, and disposable/single-use electronics.